About Me: I am one of the lucky people that can say that they love their job. I started my journey in the care industry 19 years ago at a point when I would never have believed this was my destiny and very soon after I started this journey, I realised that there was nothing else that I would ever enjoy doing. Working my way up in this career proved to me that so many years ago I had made the right decision. Knowing that my work makes a difference in people’s lives, is an immense achievement that cannot be replaced by anything else. I love reading to the extreme that I could read one book every day-best live is in the books.
I enjoy traveling, seeing new places, getting to enjoy new cultures and meeting new people. Spending time with my family is MY quality time and it is one of the most important aspect of some one live, from my point of view.
Responsibilities: As part of my responsibilities, I ensure that the service users and the staff team working with me are supported, listened to, and guided where needed. I ensure their safety and help them achieve goals such as leading a fulfilled life (for service users) and progressing in their knowledge and careers (for staff members). Additionally, part of my responsibilities includes building and maintaining relationships with outside professionals, families, and service users. I promote and maintain the core values of the company and strive to expand my knowledge in regard to my duties and position.
Favourite Quote: “Everything happens for a reason! Even though at times, we might not be able to see that reason, in time we come to realise it”